Changelog 18/06/2020
Hello everyone,
Today is a highly anticipated wipe! Before we kick off with all the changes we’re making this wipe, we would like to take a moment to thank all of you that have been playing on our servers and staying with us. We have seen quite the increase of players and at some point, nearly reached the status of having a full server. That was an amazing moment that we would all like to thank you for!
What is maybe the biggest change you will see from today onwards (and some of you have guessed this already):
We wholeheartedly welcome Eddie to the staff team! He will be keeping an eye on chat as well as making sure our community stays as amazing as it is! You will now see him in game with the new title of Assistant, so make sure you send him your congratulations and make sure to donate him some small batteries when you see him on the server!
There are also numerous changes being made to the network to ensure we keep performance up, as well as giving you some extra goodies to help your gameplay:
Today will be the first day in the history of the network that we are running a 100% custom map. The landscape will really be different from what you have experienced so far. Get yourself a minicopter and enjoy the view! All the known monuments will be there.
x5/ x3:
- The speed of the airplanes that drop your precious airdrops has been increased. The “5 at a time rule” still stands.
- The use of JPipes, as expected, needs to be limited to ensure everyone is getting a good experience in game. Platinum donators now have a 50 pipe limit rather than unlimited. Also non-donators have had limits set, whoops, I missed that.
- The store will receive additional commands you can buy with RP. Those items are there to give you something to grind for, as well as provide you a good bonus to your gameplay. (Bulkcraft, anyone?) Purge exclusion has also been added.
- Ammo sale prices have been nerfed.
- Some construction item sale prices have been nerfed.
- Raid base respawn time has been decreased
- Raid base costs have been aligned with the general account balance of all players
- Small battery sale price has been dropped to 50
For those of you who are still reading, we would like to share you some insight on what we have been working on behind the scenes. Over the last couple of weeks, Zilch and Nemesis have been working on redesigning the website to align it to the color scheme that will be used throughout the network. The 3 of us have had many talks about providing you with more endgame content and a more defined goal to play for every wipe. The first results of those talks are included this wipe in the shape of the additional perks added to the shop. The other ones will remain a secret until we are ready to present them to you.
Thanks once again and enjoy your wipe!
- The Team

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