CobaltCove's Commands

The network boasts an impressive range of plugins to make sure you get to enjoy your content the way you like it best. Click any of the topics below to expand the commands that are available in game.

/codelock auto ~ Enables codelock auto locking.

/codelock pin ~ Sets the pin code for all your codelocks.

/codelock guest ~ Sets the guest pin code for all your codelocks.

/codelock door ~ Automatically places a codelock when you place a door.

/codelock box ~ Automatically places a codelock when you place a box.

/codelock locker ~ Automatically places a codelock when you place a locker.

/codelock cup ~ Automatically places a codelock when you place a tool cupboard.

/ad ~ Enables/disables automatic door closing.

/ad # ~ Sets the amount of time in seconds before a door will automatically close.

/clan ~ Shows all current information about the current clan you’re in.

/c message ~ Sends a message to all online clan members.

/a message ~ Sends a message to all online allied members.

/clan leave ~ Leaves your current clan.

/clan ff ~ Toggles friendly fire on or off for clan members.

/clan invite “name” ~ Invite a player to your clan. (This can also be done using the built-in team system)

/clan withdraw “name” ~ Cancels a players clan invite.

/clan kick “name” ~ Kicks a member from your clan.

/clan ally ~ Lists all ally options.

/clan promote “name” ~ Promotes a member of the clan to moderator.

/clan demote “name” ~ Demoted a moderator down to a regular member.

/clan disband forever ~ Deletes your clan (This cannot be undone)

/share cup ~ Share your tool cupboard with all friends.

/share door ~ Share your doors with all friends.

/share box ~ Share your boxes with all friends.

/share turret ~ Share your auto turrets with all friends.

/share autoauth ~ Automatically authorize yourself on auto turrets and tool cupboards that you place down.

/share clan cup ~ Share your tool cupboard with clan members.

/share clan door~ Share your doors with clan members.

/share clan box ~ Share your boxes with clan members.

/share clan turret ~ Share your auto turrets with clan members.

/p ~ start or stop placing a pipe.
/p c, /pcopy, or /p copy ~ copy pipe settings from one pipe to another.
/p r, /premove, or /p remove ~ remove pipe with a hammer.
/p s, /pstats, or /p stats ~ pipe status with how many pipes you are using.
/p h, /phelp, or /p help ~ JPipes in-game help.

/kit ~ Opens the kits menu.

/pm name ~ Sends a direct message to the specified player.

/r ~ Reply to the player you last PM’d.

/remove ~ Starts the remove tool for 30 seconds. It will remove any building block you look at and left click on.

/info ~ Brings up the information panel you see when you connect to the server.

/s ~ Opens the server rewards shop.

/store ~ Opens the store, you can buy harder tier helicopters to fight and also vehicles.

* Please note that /store is not available on AtmosFear.

/sil URL ~ Paste an image onto a sign from a URL. Make sure it’s a JPEG or PNG and you’re standing in front of the sign.

/skinbox ~ Opens the skinbox, drag any item in to see all available skins for that item (Note: Clothing and Weapons can only be skinned by donators)

/tpr name ~ Sends a teleport request to the specified player.

/tpa ~ Accepts a teleport request.

/tpc ~ Cancels a teleport.

/tpinfo home ~ Shows all remaining /home information.

/tpinfo tpr ~ Shows all remaining teleport request information.

/tcinv ~ Remotely open your tool cupboard from anywhere in your base. /upkeep ~ Shows all current resources required to upkeep your base. /auth name ~ Authorize a specific player on your tool cupboard.
/trade name ~ Send a trade request to a player. /trade accept ~ Accept a trade.

VIP Commands

/horse ~ Spawns a horse in front of you.

/mini ~ Spawns a Minicopter in front of you.

/tcop ~ Spawns a Scrap Helicopter in front of you.

/row ~ Spawns a rowboat in front of you, must be looking at water.

/rhib ~ Spawns a RHiB in front of you, must be looking at water.


/recycler ~ Gives a recycler that you can place in your base.

/turret cost ~ Shows the cost to upgrade your turret to a rocket turret.

/turret antiair or /turret aa~ Upgrade your turret to an antiair turret, these can be used to shoot down the helicopter.