CobaltCove's rules

We are proud to be running one of the friendliest Rust networks around. This could not be possible without a handful of rules that we all make sure are being followed. None of these rules are optional, as they are there for a reason. Anyone arrogant enough to think that they are will soon find themselves banned from our network.
Take a moment to familiarise yourself with our rules to ensure everyone enjoys our servers to their full potential.

o Blocking space:

Do not wall off or block off in any way public quarries, or monuments.


o Abusing bugs:

Do not abuse an error in the setup. Report it and allow us to fix it.

o Toxicity:

Be respectful to all other players and staff. Toxic behaviour is not welcome here.

o Signs and Images:

Be thoughtful before painting or pasting an image onto a sign. If someone is likely to find it offensive, then please do not put it on a sign.

o English only:

While enjoying our network, we expect you to speak English in general/global chat. This also inludes communication in our Discord and Forums. Feel free to use the PM system if you wish to speak your own language.

o Griefing:

Griefing anyone is a permanent ban offence. This includes, but is not limited to:

o Taking over and/or modifying another players base.

o Trapping someone in your base. This includes the use of trap bases.

o Using the attack helicopter to attack another player or their base.

o Building right next to someone and preventing them from expanding their bases.

To summarise, do not do anything that may hinder another player’s experience on our servers.

o Advertising:

There are places for advertising other servers and/or discords. That place is not here.

o Impersonating Staff:

Do not impersonate any Owner, Admin or Staff Member. This is a permanent ban offence.

o Airdrops:

Please don’t throw more than 5 airdrops at a time. These cause lag for some players.

o Looting:

If you did not earn the loot, then DO NOT take it. This applies but is not limited to the treasure box event, helicopter and bradley loot etc.

o Stealing:

Do not steal from any other player.

o Blocking areas:

Do not block off an area unless you intend to build on it. For example TC’s a long a whole river. Other players want to pump water too.

o Building/ deploying on raid islands:

Do not leave any building, deployable item or vehicle on the raid base islands (The small islands around the outside of the map).

o Raidable bases:

Do not interfere with someone else’s raid. If you did not start the raid, do not take any loot or deal any damage to the base